Monday, March 31, 2014

Done... or not

The month is getting away from me!  It's hard for me to believe that the bathroom may actually be DONE!  I always attach a tag to that, like, ...I think, or ....Almost, or....Maybe.  I love when I go in there and see the way the purple curtain and purple towels go so well together and how the yellow shower curtain makes the purple details look even better!  Anto doesn't agree with my feelings on this, but he's the one who installed the new sink and towel racks, etc.  Lu says the sink's too high for me, but I like it like that.  Sam loves the purple and yellow color-scheme, and he's the one who suggested putting the sink cabinet on blocks, as it was too low for the plumbing fixtures to fit underneath (and those fixtures are not movable).
So, I as I said, the bathroom is just about finished.  I mean, it's finished, but I keep seeing little things that I still want to do... Perhaps the best way to describe the situation is to say it's a work in progress...

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